When your vehicle is due for a service you need just the right mix of unique expertise, surprising value and real convenience. With a Peugeot Service Plan that’s precisely what you get.
Choose a plan up to 12 months from your vehicle registration date or before the first chargeable service and you can cover your annual and scheduled servicing for 36 months or 35,000 miles.
Better still you get the unique reassurance of our Peugeot Price Promise that guarantees all work is carried out by trained technicians using only Peugeot Approved Parts, a FREE 22 point vehicle health check, FREE technical updates, plus collection and delivery to keep you moving.
With work carried out by the real experts and low monthly payments, there’s no need for compromise when it comes to keeping your Peugeot performing perfectly. Youll be sorted for less than you think.
For more information on pricing and to find out more about a Peugeot Service Plan, please get in touch with our aftersales team today.