Peugeot Ireland Service Offer FREE Tyre Safety Check

FREE Tyre Safety Check

FREE Tyre Safety Check

You should check the tyre pressure in your tyres every two weeks, before you drive on them – remember the spare too
  • Regularly check the tread depth of your Peugeot tyres and look out for cuts, cracks and other signs of damage
  • Peugeot recommends tyres should be replaced when the tread depth goes below 3mm – the legal minimum is 1.6mm
  • Our trained tyre technicians will check your tyres free of charge, and tell you how long they’re likely to last

  • Good tyres give you better road-holding and more effective braking, especially when it’s cold or wet
  • The legal minimum for tread depth is 1.6mm. But even at 3mm, braking distances are significantly reduced
  • You could get a fine of £2,500 and 3 penalty points for EACH illegal tyre on your car

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